A kaleidoscope of works from the craftspeople we presented over a year ago, and their remarkable journey from artisans to artists.

Post our first show in May 2023, much had shifted : the artisans, once hesitant, now came to us with new questions and ideas. “Why are we doing this?” they would ask. “Here’s an idea I’d like to explore.” They no longer sought approval but direction for their own inquiries. They wanted to know what they wanted to know, to study what truly intrigued them— without worrying about the perceived marketability of the art-work.
At the same time, they began to consider the viewer’s attention in a new way: What does the viewer know about this place and time? Where do they find themselves in the work? They weren’t simply creating for an imagined buyer anymore. They were crafting for the viewer within—the viewer who is always at hand, who sees with curiosity and fresh eyes rather than relying on what’s been done before.
This shift in perception—from creating for an imagined buyer to creating with the viewer’s experience in mind—has been one of the most important transformations. Is this generosity of spirit that elevates their creations into art? This collection emphasizes participation, authorship, vibrancy, transparency of labor, and relational aesthetics. The pieces are process-based, allowing the viewer to witness the work in its evolving form, even embracing the unfinished. It’s a break from tradition, but one that was necessary to find something new.It is the transformation of the Artisans to being Artists.
Satish Reddy