Some route, some object, in design
CURATED BY Kaiwan Mehta
This show wishes to explore the worlds of wonder and the journeys of making between civilisation and the contemporary, between business and art, between lifestyle and the humility of the material - between life and life, the life of making and the wonder of life!

The world of design has captured a wide imagination in the last fewdecades, and two modes of design practices – Fashion and InteriorSpace Design - have been very favoured and desired in editorialdebates as well as popular imagination.
All objects of design, desire, and wonder are made with hands or withmachines – they are a composition of materials and techniques, craftand meaning. MAKING things follows procedures and operations thatinvolve human abilities and thinking, machine productivity andreproducibility. It needs a whole world of working teams and design
ecologies, organising working desks and studios, factories andshowrooms as spaces to produce and showcase a world of WONDER – aworld of wearing and inhabiting, of adorning and embodying.
This show wishes to explore the worlds of wonder and the journeys ofmaking between civilisation and the contemporary, between business and art, between lifestyle and the humility of the material - between lifeand life, the life of making and the wonder of life!
The show, focused on Fashion and Interior Design, will engage with afew practitioners and will work with objects and projects -highlighting the language of aesthetics that defines contemporarydesign and the making of that language. It is not an ode to
craftsmanship or revival techniques, but examines the appropriatenessof choices, aesthetics and material manoeuvres as simple procedures that are integral to MAKING design happen. It looks at building the world of WONDER and expression of life-stories through design and theobjects we design and embody!
Kaiwan Mehta